Sift the flour and salt onto a work surface and make a large hole in the centre.Place half of the water in the middle and mix in a circular motion, drawing in flour from outside.When sticky, add the remaining water and continue to mix until a soft dough is formed. If necessary, add some flour.Knead well until very smooth and elastic. Then allow to rest for 15 minutes under a clean cloth.Roll the dough out to a 30 cm log shape and cut it into 15 evenly sized pieces (each 60 g).Shape each piece into a ball. Then allow to rest a further 15 minutes.Liberally dust the working surface with starch and roll out each piece of dough to 20 cm with a rolling pin.Dust the dough with starch while rolling it out until almost transparent and 30-40 cm in diameter. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 200 C.Sprinkle hazelnuts over the sheet of pastry and then roll it up with a thin rolling pin (1 cm diameter).Crinkle the pastry roll by pushing toward the middle from each end.Push it off the rolling pin and put it on a tray.After you have prepared all the pieces of dough in the same manner, place them on a tray and cut each rolled pastry into three.Pour melted butter over the pastry.Bake until brown on top and gold at the base. Leave to cool on a wire rack.Make syrup by gently dissolving the sugar in water.Pour the hot syrup over the burma baklava and allow to soak for several hours, turning occasionally.Serve. 

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